Author Topic: Combat application-----fully use the momentum of ur chucks and learn to control  (Read 6993 times)

August 12, 2011, 03:23:58 PM
Reply #15


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As Bruce Lee said, it's just a name and not to fuss over it.  When people fuss over names, it's less about the art and more about ego stroking.  

I think having a martial background will help *a lot* with nunchaku.  The body movement and power learned from the fundamentals are excellent.  If you're going for weaponry, I would definitely pick up prochucks.  They are light weight, speedy and pack a deadly whallop.  

August 12, 2011, 06:51:11 PM
Reply #16


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Not quite agreeing with the points raised here..

not getting respect from the "martial arts" community, even if you do create a viable and effective form of fighting with nunchaku. DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING!

No kind of self respecting martial artist should thinks he has to seek the acceptance of his peers.  if it works for you, DO IT!

i now use chucks that are just over "14 with a  3" chain. and weigh about 600g, Are they nunchucks or juggling sticks?

im confused, i didn't realize that there was a STANDARD MODEL for chucks :doh

 and i can swing my chucks, holding from the bottom, so fast that you cant even see it. i can do 3 full powered strikes per second.
im quite sure that they have a lot more reach than pros, ( i have some and have experimented)

none of this was done through any traditional or formalized training. and i don't regret any of it.

but hey, this is my opinion, feel free to pick it apart.
Nunchucka mutha fucka.
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August 14, 2011, 04:37:22 AM
Reply #17


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If you don't understand the basic fundamentals of the Weapon called Nunchaku, then you are just a juggler.  Don't call them Nunchucks, call them juggling stix (with a long chain) or Aerobix Stix, cause, they're not Nunchaku. If you are happy with Juggling then great, don't say you are working a weapon and try to benefit from the Mystique of the "NUNCHAKU".

Now here is something Lee and I can agree on... But of course I caught hell for stating any similarity between this and baton twirling... which freestyle basically is; glorified baton twirling. I would argue that they're still nunchaku you're using though, whether you do freestyle or learn real combat application. I mean, if you twirl rifles for fun(and yes some do this), the rifle doesn't cease to be a rifle. You're just not using it as a rifle at that point, just like the people doing freestyle aren't really using the nunchaku as nunchaku. They're using them as batons for twirling.

August 14, 2011, 06:58:59 AM
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I know i havnt posted anything on the forum in a while but this seems like a good place to getstarted again. All ego aside in my personal opinion i think that combat application truly depends on the person. There are only a few things that will remain the same from person to person and the main one being lines of attack. I have found this to be universal from every style i have taken, mainly because its the one thing that doesnt change from person to person.  Understand the way your body moves and the rest will fall into place. Of course if you put two people in a fight with nunchaku who are the same weigt heigt and build ext. The one wjo has practiced more will probably win. To add to the point royce gracie understood how the body works bettr then the fighters he fougt at the early ufc's so he won untill there knowledge grew.

August 14, 2011, 09:49:08 AM
Reply #19


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Now here is something Lee and I can agree on... But of course I caught hell for stating any similarity between this and baton twirling... which freestyle basically is; glorified baton twirling. I would argue that they're still nunchaku you're using though, whether you do freestyle or learn real combat application. I mean, if you twirl rifles for fun(and yes some do this), the rifle doesn't cease to be a rifle. You're just not using it as a rifle at that point, just like the people doing freestyle aren't really using the nunchaku as nunchaku. They're using them as batons for twirling.

im thinking you don't have a very deep understanding of nunchaku..

combat application and freestyle can be interchangeable, the mechanics for combat can be learned through freestyle and vice versa..

you mention baton twirling a hell of a lot, and im starting to think that you just cant do anything with the chucks, and the style bashing is a form of self deprecation.
i mean, alot of my combat techniques have arisen from adapted freestyle techniques, without freestyle i wouldnt be anywhere near as good at combat,
and i wouldn't have anywhere near the level of understanding of nunchaku that i have now.

Magus,,, perhaps post a video of your uber pure combat skills to show me the error of my ways?    

maybe i could take what you're saying more seriously if you could show me that you have even the faintest idea what you're talking about...
« Last Edit: August 14, 2011, 09:54:49 AM by Matt-Chez »
Nunchucka mutha fucka.
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August 14, 2011, 11:53:06 AM
Reply #20


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Magus,,, perhaps post a video of your uber pure combat skills to show me the error of my ways?    

maybe i could take what you're saying more seriously if you could show me that you have even the faintest idea what you're talking about...

I would call troll here, but I'm pretty sure he's serious..  :roll:

August 14, 2011, 12:13:21 PM
Reply #21


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I'd have to agree with matt everything is interchangeable here i mean i can fire a gun or swing a baseball bat as well doesn't say i can be effective with it
only when you practice and get a understanding of how the object works and how it reacts to the environment you can become more effective with it
in my personal opinion it's kinda useless to debate wether it's a good weapon or not since these day's when you get into a fight Ur risking being bombed by some
b-52's or something like that  :ninja:
in any case discussing the differences is useless rather discus what you have learned and how it can help other people improve their own level in the arts they like to practice

wisdom is not based on experience, wisdom is how we put our experience into practice

August 14, 2011, 12:16:23 PM
Reply #22


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only when you practice and get a understanding of how the object works and how it reacts to the environment you can become more effective with it

Nunchucka mutha fucka.
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August 14, 2011, 03:19:16 PM
Reply #23

Aerialist East

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Now here is something Lee and I can agree on... But of course I caught hell for stating any similarity between this and baton twirling... which freestyle basically is; glorified baton twirling. 

Im going to have to disagree with you on that one.  Aerials?  "baton twirling" believe it or not is a very small aspect of freestyle nunchaku.  Freestyle nunchaku has an infinite amount of operations that can be performed so the "rabbit hole"  goes deeper than just "glorified baton twirling :craze

August 14, 2011, 10:35:07 PM
Reply #24


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the definition of freestyle according to the dictionary:
a performance or routine featuring relatively free, unrestricted movement or intended to demonstrate an individuals special skills or style,
so I'm pretty sure that means that it doesn't really matter if you practice combat or just ("Baton twirl").
freestyle is limitless it's about showing other people what's possible in our fast universe and not to determine who or what's better
when one compares these kind of discusions to the fast size of the universe around us, just try and realize how puny these kind of points are.
rather try and grasp how deep the rabbit hole goes and try and learn new things of it
besides since the dawn of bullets most weapons are rendered kinda useless we don't fight a war swinging swords anymore do we  :?
any art you practice being it martial art music or anything else is done for selfdevelopment of the mind and body

with these (i hope wise words :ninja:) i rest my case :)
keep on chucking for whatever reason you deem fit

wisdom is not based on experience, wisdom is how we put our experience into practice

August 17, 2011, 08:54:27 PM
Reply #25

internet sensei

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My point is, if you can't fight without Chucks, you can't fight with them.  Swinging Chux is awesome, just don't think because you are swinging Chux you can do anything other than swing them unless you know how to fight.  Bruce Lee said, "when I started Martial Arts, a punch was a punch and a kick was a kick.  After I got deeper into it, I learned that a punch was no longer just a punch and a kick was no longer just a kick.   Now that I know the Martial Arts, a punch is a punch and a kick is a kick."  I take that statement as, when you start learning something, you think you have a good understanding for it, until you learn you don't, then you relearn and it becomes to you just as it was when you started, Natural. Matt has a great ability to swing his chux, self taught, Incredible.  He knows what he knows and he is confident that it surpasses anything he could anywhere else.  If he believes that, then it is so. Not everyone is as fortunate to have the vision Matt Chez does with his Chucks.  If you know how to fight, then you are a combat chucker if you do the homework. If not, call it what you like. With my comment no insult is intended.  20 times a week some a hole on youtube calls me a baton twirler.  It shows that they really don't understand what they are seeing, or their ego clouds their ability to look past their own nose. Just give something new or different, THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT. 
The more I see the less I know, the more I like to let it go!

August 20, 2011, 03:25:01 AM
Reply #26


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First of all, there was never any disrespect or "style bashing" intended in any of my posts, and I never claimed to be a master of nunchaku, let alone anything at all(except maybe pissing people off whether I try to or not). I just happen to see a lot of similarities between baton twirling and freestyle nunchaku. When I point out this fact, I do not mean to demean or disrespect either the art of freestyle nunchaku or baton twirling. it is an observation. Nothing more, nothing less. Somebody mentioned aerials earlier. As far as I understand(and I never claimed to have any great, vast, or deep understanding of nunchaku, freestyle or combat, I'm just calling it as I see it on my own terms and throwing in my two cents), aerials are tricks during which you throw the nunchaku in the air and catch them again a some point. If that is incorrect, then I'm sorry for any offense that may result from stating it, but I see baton twirlers throw their batons in the air and catch them as well. obviously there's more you can do with two sticks attached by rope or chain than you can do with just a stick in terms of tricks due to the flexibility and dynamics of the chain/rope, and again, this is not intended to demean either art, but I personally see a lot of similarities. That's all. For the record, I think they both look cool and take a great deal of talent that I do not possess.

No, Matt. I will not post a video because I can not do any "tricks" other than a wrist roll. I haven't even tried because I'm not interested. Even if I could do every single trick ever invented, I wouldn't make a youtube video because I don't care enough to show off what I can do. I have a few pairs of nunchaku, and I swing them around for exercise and fun while roughly following a self defense instructional video made by Nishuichi(sp?).

August 20, 2011, 08:19:03 AM
Reply #27


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You've previously posted about "baton twirling":

"I think some people view feestyle nunchaku as a just slightly less girly/homosexual version of baton twirling, and the others feel you're disrespecting/misusing nunchaku because they're weapons. I'm sort of leaning a bit toward the latter, but the difference is I don't really care if it's "disrespectful" or whatever."

I just happen to see a lot of similarities between baton twirling and freestyle nunchaku.

But of course I caught hell for stating any similarity between this and baton twirling... which freestyle basically is; glorified baton twirling.

In your last posts it's implied you're leaning quite heavily towards the former, it comes across as confused, unless you're deliberately posting to this effect now to cause the inevitable resulting conflicts.

I can not do any "tricks" other than a wrist roll. I haven't even tried because I'm not interested.. I have a few pairs of nunchaku, and I swing them around for exercise and fun while roughly following a self defense instructional video..

Then why join a forum on freestyle? Find another based on the combat application/self-defense aspect?

August 20, 2011, 06:35:50 PM
Reply #28


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No, what I meant by "I don't care if it's disrespectful or not," is that I don't care if freestyle nunchaku is viewed as disrespectful to the martial arts community, not that I don't care if calling the art homosexual disrespects those who do it. I mean, I can kinda see where the martial artists would be coming from, using the weapon as a toy, but I don't think less of those who do that.

No, I'm not deliberately trying to cause conflict. Maybe I just suck at communicating effectively, as this sort of confusion occurs quite often. Anyway, I don't see what's insulting about noting that freestyle is similar to baton twirling. I realize calling it glorified baton twirling is a rather crude way of describing it, but I don't see that it's entirely inaccurate(I know I can't possibly be the only one who sees any similarity whatsoever), and again, I meant no disrespect by it. If I wanted to simply be insulting, I can think of a lot of other, much more nasty ways to do that. That's not what what I'm here for. Plus, what's wrong with baton twirling? I'm not interested in doing it myself either, but it's still pretty cool looking to me, and I think it takes a lot of talent, just like freestyle. And as for either being girly or homosexual, as I said before, that's not how I personally feel about it, but at least with baton twirling, I think most males would probably perceive it as girly because mostly girls do it(as far as I can tell. maybe I'm wrong, but I haven't personally seen a lot of guys twirling actual batons). It's like how mostly girls like purple and pink, so they're considered girly colors(or if a guy says he likes those colors, he's usually called silly). There's nothing wrong with any of these things, whether they're girly or not, and even if they are, there's nothing wrong with a guy enjoying them either. And liking these things certainly has nothing to do with sexual orientation whatsoever. The quote of mine posted was in response to this quote posted below, and my response was an explanation of why I feel freestyle nunchaku isn't generally accepted as an art(and I'm guessing it isn't because of the quote below).

I just wish that someday all people can understand what we do and accept freechaku as an art.

As for why I'm here on a freestyle forum, well I don't hate freestyle or anything, but I'm just not incredibly interested in learning it for myself. The videos can be fun to watch(some get kinda repetitive though) too. Mainly though, this was the only forum(or one of very few) I could find that was specifically for nunchaku and not just general martial arts/self defense, so I figured it would be a good place to gather information, specifically about which pair I should get for myself and if certain ones I was interested in purchasing were any good or not. And even though it's mostly for freestyle, there is some discussion about what I am interested in learning taking place on this forum.

Now if after reading this, people are still pissed off at me and think I'm being a hater or whatever, well then I guess I'm sorry that either I can't communicate effectively to where I get my point across without sounding negative, or that you simply don't believe me. Whichever is the case, I apologize, and you won't have to worry about me posting anymore because there's no point in me being here if everything I say is just gonna piss people off.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2011, 06:47:32 AM by Magus86 »

August 23, 2011, 05:09:25 AM
Reply #29

internet sensei

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Regardless of which activity we are doing, the body remains the true Mystery and Master of movement.  In my opinion, the only thing that changes from baton twirling, Tennis, Samaurai Sword, Sai, Juggling, Golf and any number of activities is the INTENT. No magical change in the body or the Dynamics, just what you are trying to accomplish.
The more I see the less I know, the more I like to let it go!