Author Topic: Combat application-----fully use the momentum of ur chucks and learn to control  (Read 6990 times)

September 16, 2011, 10:14:49 AM
Reply #30


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If you don't understand the basic fundamentals of the Weapon called Nunchaku, then you are just a juggler.  Don't call them Nunchucks, call them juggling stix (with a long chain) or Aerobix Stix, cause, they're not Nunchaku.  My Instructor, (when he was sane) told me no one will EVER respect you as a Master with the "Nunchaku" if you're not a, or don't understand the Martial Artist. If you are happy with Juggling then great, don't say you are working a weapon and try to benefit from the Mystique of the "NUNCHAKU". With that said here are some combat applications:

       # 1

       # 2

       # 3

PS  if you are holding 10" chains at the neck, your reach is shorter or the same as Prochux.

不管是nunckucks还是nunchucku,都是你们自己所谓主观的翻译,别来这里和我玩文字游戏,没有意义,你懂吗?难道你还要和我扯kong fu和martial arts的区分?你有木有蛋疼?
你给我的那些连接都是TMD垃圾,那也能叫实战?那些我早就看过,不用你再来给我发一遍。别拿着你们的pro chuck装逼,脑残不会掌握长链棍的诀窍就所谓“发明”个prochuck,你觉得很光荣吗?武术的本质是什么,难道是投机取巧?武术和哲学的关系你理解吗,老美?

如果你连这段话的意思都不能理解,那请你闭上NMGB的嘴,别来给我文酸装大尾巴狼,第二语言都没有的你有神马资格和我叫嚣?用你们牛逼的Google translator吧,SB!啊哈哈

September 16, 2011, 10:22:06 AM
Reply #31


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Not quite agreeing with the points raised here..

not getting respect from the "martial arts" community, even if you do create a viable and effective form of fighting with nunchaku. DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING!

No kind of self respecting martial artist should thinks he has to seek the acceptance of his peers.  if it works for you, DO IT!

i now use chucks that are just over "14 with a  3" chain. and weigh about 600g, Are they nunchucks or juggling sticks?

im confused, i didn't realize that there was a STANDARD MODEL for chucks :doh

 and i can swing my chucks, holding from the bottom, so fast that you cant even see it. i can do 3 full powered strikes per second.
im quite sure that they have a lot more reach than pros, ( i have some and have experimented)

none of this was done through any traditional or formalized training. and i don't regret any of it.

but hey, this is my opinion, feel free to pick it apart.

600g chucks is for practice, great for building up the muscles in the arms.
 For the actual combat I will use 250g wood one with 13cm chain.
The reason why i use this heavy one is to practice to control as in Chinese "soft weapon"; the harder you practice, the better you will understand the weapon when you need it, that's the point i try to make, not use this as actual weapon. Just like sports training or army training, the training is always harder than the actual game so that you can fully prepare.

September 16, 2011, 10:23:46 AM
Reply #32


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I'd have to agree with matt everything is interchangeable here i mean i can fire a gun or swing a baseball bat as well doesn't say i can be effective with it
only when you practice and get a understanding of how the object works and how it reacts to the environment you can become more effective with it
in my personal opinion it's kinda useless to debate wether it's a good weapon or not since these day's when you get into a fight Ur risking being bombed by some
b-52's or something like that  :ninja:
in any case discussing the differences is useless rather discus what you have learned and how it can help other people improve their own level in the arts they like to practice

Great point!  :thumb:

September 17, 2011, 09:42:14 PM
Reply #33


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What is so cool about freestyle is that any style is accepted. Combat moves are included in freestyle, they are just a part of the whole. If you truly want to be great handling the chucks, you probably should learn the whole. Just because "baton twirling" might be considered girly (apologies to the ladies) by some, it just may mean they don't understand what freestyle is all about. The "fancy stuff" teaches coordination, builds muscles and speed, but most importantly it teaches to think and react outside of the box, something every successful fighter knows. It is all part of the whole. Some may think that jumping rope is girly but to properly train for boxing, it is an important part. When all is said and done, the more you handle your chucks, the better you will be with them, or any weapon. Plus, it just adds some FUN to the training and keeps you from getting stale! Combat is one important part of freestyle, but why limit yourself to only one part????

September 17, 2011, 09:57:24 PM
Reply #34


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Keeper.......that is a cool vid of your tree strikes!

Maggus86........I agree that holding the end of the chucks gives more power and increases range, however it will slightly decrease speed and control. There is always a trade-off. Neither is right or wrong, it depends on your fighting abilities and also your opponent. Sometimes you don't need the extra reach and speed would serve you better, say against a shorter fighter. Not so true with a taller fighter maybe. Your style needs to be able to adjust to the circumstances. Just sayin what has worked for me.

September 19, 2011, 08:21:13 AM
Reply #35


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What is so cool about freestyle is that any style is accepted. Combat moves are included in freestyle, they are just a part of the whole. If you truly want to be great handling the chucks, you probably should learn the whole. Just because "baton twirling" might be considered girly (apologies to the ladies) by some, it just may mean they don't understand what freestyle is all about. The "fancy stuff" teaches coordination, builds muscles and speed, but most importantly it teaches to think and react outside of the box, something every successful fighter knows. It is all part of the whole. Some may think that jumping rope is girly but to properly train for boxing, it is an important part. When all is said and done, the more you handle your chucks, the better you will be with them, or any weapon. Plus, it just adds some FUN to the training and keeps you from getting stale! Combat is one important part of freestyle, but why limit yourself to only one part????

Thanks for your common. There is a misunderstanding here. I do both styles, not only combat, but I focus on combat more. I agree with your points that about freestyle helping build up muscles, as well as the holding position problem.   
Again, this clip is just about how to control the chucks in combat situation

September 19, 2011, 11:54:12 PM
Reply #36


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Keeper.......sorry for the misunderstanding, my comments were geared towards magus86. I wanted to show him that there are benefits to Freestyle.Like you, I also do both freestyle and combat but your strikes are better!