Author Topic: FNS OPENS! (Trad chuck lliquidation sale)  (Read 4425 times)

October 09, 2011, 11:50:50 PM
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Okay, so FNS is officially open!... At the moment it's not being hosted on the website Psi (Howard) is making for me because I'm too dumb to figure it out.  :lmfao:, so it's still on the cheap site I made. But no matter...

(link at bottom of page. Please read all before viewing)

About FNS at the moment:

Goal to carry:

-FNF logo shirts, hoodies, beanies, hakama pants, backpacks, chucks bags, stickers, posters.
-Parachute cord in all colors.
-FNS signature chucks (almost have all their construction materials in stock) all synthetic materials designed PURELY for amazing freestyle.
-Silver fire nunchaku, inexpensive led chucks, flowchucks, fire chucks, korean style aluminum chucks, oak Prochux thrashers.

What I have in stock at the moment and why:

my original plan when i decided to sell nunchaku was to purchase wholesale generic nunchaku and sell them cheaper than anyone else out there with the promise of weeding out all the factory defective models with quality control issues... throwing those out and only selling the best cherry picked ones in the lot! I'd be the only online nunchaku store which did so. As I'm sure you know when ordering generic nunchaku online you run the risk of recieving a defective nunchaku... Well let me tell you, you don't know how bad this problem is until you've ordered 100+ pairs of the nunchaku you see being sold online direct from the factory.

What I found out is with most models, 4 of 10 are defective! cracks... imbalances... swivels that won't spin right are just some of the problems. Online "martial arts stores" won't care and send you defective nunchaku anyway. I've had defective products from most all martial arts stores... won't name names. But I have decided not to purchase these anymore because I just cannot make an honest living selling generic nunchaku as almost half I wouldn't consider sellable or chucks that I would personally use.

SO! rightnow, in stock I have THE BEST OF THE BEST OF GENERIC NUNCHAKU. All models are near as perfect as generic nunchaku get. These are good models, I just can't keep buying these and not lose money... So I am liquidating them all. They all need to go. The sooner they go, the sooner all the best of the best nunchaku models in the world will be in stock! Silverfires, flowchucks, inexpensive led's, Prochux. FNS signature chucks!

If anyone wants any of these nunchaku just let me know in this thread and we will work it out.

This is a once in a life-time chance to order generic nunchaku off the web and feel confident they won't be junk.

 :chuck: :chuck: The Game of death, white lotus wood and other ones near the top have been custom painted by me!  :chuck: :chuck:
 :chuck: The corded chucks will come to you with orange 550 parachute cord after I get it in stock in a few days!  :chuck:

« Last Edit: October 10, 2011, 12:33:47 AM by FreestyleNunchakuStore »
Chucking Out of Hilo Hawaii

October 10, 2011, 12:06:45 AM
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Haha cool!!! I saw the store and it looks good!  :2thumbsup:

October 10, 2011, 12:08:18 AM
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I have lots of multiples of the chucks except for the :

Game of Death style chucks, white lotus wood, and the white ones with the gold ends. What you see of the chucks I just listed are what I have... get them while you can, that's why the GoD ones are sold in doubles.
Chucking Out of Hilo Hawaii

October 10, 2011, 12:09:21 AM
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Haha cool!!! I saw the store and it looks good!  :2thumbsup:

Thanks. It'll look a whole lot better soon.
Chucking Out of Hilo Hawaii

October 10, 2011, 12:18:05 AM
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Stopped by the store, can't wait to see your full inventory  :2thumbsup: The chux you have in stock , look nice for the price  :lol:
I'm the lil' Notherchucker your momma warned ya about !!!

October 10, 2011, 12:26:19 AM
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Stopped by the store, can't wait to see your full inventory  :2thumbsup: The chux you have in stock , look nice for the price  :lol:

I can't wait to see my full inventory either, lol. I've been scraping at change to live ever since I moved to Missouri, and all my efforts are going into creating this. I'm nearly at the point where I can stock the next two items...FNF shirts and my FNS brand chucks... then it's the LEDs and the Silverfire's.
Chucking Out of Hilo Hawaii

October 10, 2011, 12:44:34 AM
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SILVER FIRES!!!!!!  :-D  :-D Normally I am not like this but honestly I am very excited  :-)

October 10, 2011, 06:32:59 AM
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This store = THE SH*T!  :whahaa :arg :daah:

Prices are ok, can't wait to see what's coming next.
One more thing tho... Where are you shipping from, the US?

Congratz on the grand opening, best of luck and... MANY THANKS!  :respect:

October 10, 2011, 07:45:44 AM
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 :-o so this is it.. it is being done, just needs the contents t be listed  :-)
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October 10, 2011, 08:51:38 AM
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:-o so this is it.. it is being done, just needs the contents t be listed  :-)

Gunna be YUMMY!  :2thumbsup: :arg

October 11, 2011, 04:44:27 AM
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GREAT  :2thumbsup:

I really happy to see one more online nunchaku store on area.
Very good prices  :thumb:

I wish you success and i keep waiting the new models  :lol:

October 12, 2011, 09:58:45 PM
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GREAT  :2thumbsup:

I really happy to see one more online nunchaku store on area.
Very good prices  :thumb:

I wish you success and i keep waiting the new models  :lol:


Sorry if I'm not around much the next few days... still working on getting internet at my house. Do you want LED glow nunchaku or Silverfires more? Is 350 grams okay for the Silverfire? That goes for everyone.
Chucking Out of Hilo Hawaii

October 12, 2011, 10:24:04 PM
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I just wanna say...

The Bruce Lee silhouette at this picture is awesome ! hope I get some stuff like that  :arg  :arg
the old dude.

October 12, 2011, 10:37:06 PM
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I just wanna say...

The Bruce Lee silhouette at this picture is awesome ! hope I get some stuff like that  :arg  :arg

I actually wish those chucks didn't have the Bruce Lee pics on them... They wear off if you don't laqceur over them like I have. But I could mail you those two pair of chucks for the price shown if you'd like. The BBs are good quality, they won't break due to freestyle.
Chucking Out of Hilo Hawaii

October 13, 2011, 07:06:52 AM
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Do you want LED glow nunchaku or Silverfires more? Is 350 grams okay for the Silverfire? That goes for everyone.

Talking only about for me, i have a lot more interest on Silverfires. 350 grams is allright, but i think i prefer it lighter, just like 250 grams.

Another suggestion, if you allow me to say it. Maybe after time of store, you can try produce or contact someone for sell it for you and you sell on the site some simples nunchakus lightweight (around 200 grams) of aluminum or stainless.
Dont have stores selling it... and it is one of my favorite types of nunchaku.
I dont care too much about if its rope or chain, but it is something that i really miss.

Almost all guys who uses it make it by themself, but i would like to buy some news ready instead of having to make them.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 07:48:46 AM by Renato »