Author Topic: Advice on pricing vintage nunchaku  (Read 5497 times)

April 16, 2013, 09:04:45 PM
Reply #30


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I cant see nothing just like you nothing if you are of the age you should be ashamed of your self 50 and still not learnt nothing and no respect did your misses leave you or something you seem to be on here a lot upsetting people sad act my daughter nows better than you and shes 4 that says a lot for your mentality 0121 do 1

Oh the irony. Is Engrish your first language?


If you are done "learnun me sumtin" and "teachering me bout rispekt" and calling me a liar on top of it, how about you answer the question that seems to have gotten you so upset?

Are you saying the nunchaku in your "story" were won by your grandfather at some kind of martial arts competition around 40 years ago?

And while we are at it, according to you "you don't need the money" but your grandfather "told you to sell them" and the "money is going to him." But on a page prior to that you tell a very different story.

Hi there they were my grandfarthers they are over 40 years may be even older they fully work but not really my thing I was trying to find out abit more about them myself so I could sell them I now they are rare 

Seems your story keeps changing MATE. But of course I'm the troll.


So if I understand it, you are selling them because they are not your thing and you want to sell them because they are rare but your grandfather told you to do it and you are giving him the money because you don't need it and it seems you are suggesting that your grandfather won them in a competition about 40 years ago but you don't value them (again not really your thing) and you are only selling them to give your grandfather the money.

Is that about right MATE?

Oh and I'm just curious. How old am I? I need to tell my wife so she know how many candles to put on the cake.

It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.


April 16, 2013, 09:43:52 PM
Reply #31


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Oh the irony. Is Engrish your first language?


If you are done "learnun me sumtin" and "teachering me bout rispekt" and calling me a liar on top of it, how about you answer the question that seems to have gotten you so upset?

Are you saying the nunchaku in your "story" were won by your grandfather at some kind of martial arts competition around 40 years ago?

And while we are at it, according to you "you don't need the money" but your grandfather "told you to sell them" and the "money is going to him." But on a page prior to that you tell a very different story.

Seems your story keeps changing MATE. But of course I'm the troll.


So if I understand it, you are selling them because they are not your thing and you want to sell them because they are rare but your grandfather told you to do it and you are giving him the money because you don't need it and it seems you are suggesting that your grandfather won them in a competition about 40 years ago but you don't value them (again not really your thing) and you are only selling them to give your grandfather the money.

Is that about right MATE?

Oh and I'm just curious. How old am I? I need to tell my wife so she know how many candles to put on the cake.

hows complaints rep by the way yes English is my language not engrish you need to learn how to spell mate you do now there is spell check on this before you post my story ant changed I have an uncle in nyc who would love to meet you do you know were Newark is and I like the way you missed out about the items people didn't received there items iv told them were to find you good luck with that scammer :clap

April 16, 2013, 11:10:37 PM
Reply #32


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hows complaints rep by the way yes English is my language not engrish you need to learn how to spell mate you do now there is spell check on this before you post my story ant changed I have an uncle in nyc who would love to meet you do you know were Newark is and I like the way you missed out about the items people didn't received there items iv told them were to find you good luck with that scammer :clap

Really MATE?


You really thought Engrish was a typo and not a comment on your amazing spelling skills?

As for scammer and people who didn't receive items? Man I'd love to hear about that one. All your other information has been so accurate this stuff should be hilarious.

And as if you weren't ridiculously funny enough, you are gonna pull the "kick your ass over the internet" card? Only in this instance I am required to travel to Newark to get my ass kicking?!?

You can't spell, you can't get your story straight and you think you have some secret information about me. But if nothing else I have been laughing for almost a full three minutes so I really must thank you for the entertainment.

By the way, in addition to all the other information about me on this forum alone, I've done business with a few people here and have had zero issues. So grab your bell and hat and go troll a different bridge. Or better yet stay here and keep changing the story and making me laugh.

It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.


April 16, 2013, 11:23:02 PM
Reply #33


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Here's a clue detective. There is video of me on this website and I have posted pictures of myself from when I was a kid "during the 70s" on this website.

 Glad to know I'm not old anymore.

The truth is out finally.

1) All your wisdom was gained from a computer chip implanted in your brain and not from actual years of experience. Or you just made it up.

2) You photoshopped those 1970's pictures.

3) You had Jamie Kennedy make you up to be an old guy just so you could fool us in your videos.

4) You are actually a 14 year old internet tough guy and if your mom catches you trolling the internet again after bed time you'll be grounded.

Did I miss anything?

April 16, 2013, 11:44:01 PM
Reply #34


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The truth is out finally.

1) All your wisdom was gained from a computer chip implanted in your brain and not from actual years of experience. Or you just made it up.

2) You photoshopped those 1970's pictures.

3) You had Jamie Kennedy make you up to be an old guy just so you could fool us in your videos.

4) You are actually a 14 year old internet tough guy and if your mom catches you trolling the internet again after bed time you'll be grounded.

Did I miss anything?
finally people are starting to see his true colors he shouldn't be aloud on this site upsetting people for no reason he is so disrespectful like iv told him before 1 rule respect everyone and everything if he under training there nuts for even bothering with him

April 16, 2013, 11:54:58 PM
Reply #35


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I was been sarcastic. Just having some fun. I don't have a problem with SteyrAUG. I don't have a problem with you selling your grandpa's stuff although I would never do it. If my grandpa gave me his chucks to sell I'd stuff the cash in his hand and put the chucks in my closet. SteyrAUG was only trying to advise you against doing something you'd later regret. Something you can't undo later when grandpa is gone. As you get older you will hear all your friends tell you their shoulda, coulda, and woulda stories. If you make wise decisions in life you will have no regrets.

April 17, 2013, 12:07:22 AM
Reply #36


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I was been sarcastic. Just having some fun. I don't have a problem with SteyrAUG. I don't have a problem with you selling your grandpa's stuff although I would never do it. If my grandpa gave me his chucks to sell I'd stuff the cash in his hand and put the chucks in my closet. SteyrAUG was only trying to advise you against doing something you'd later regret. Something you can't undo later when grandpa is gone. As you get older you will hear all your friends tell you their shoulda, coulda, and woulda stories. If you make wise decisions in life you will have no regrets. :
there is only so much you can keep tho I have loads of other stuff I mean loads  :respect: :respect: tho I now I now were your coming from

April 17, 2013, 01:19:14 AM
Reply #37


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there is only so much you can keep tho I have loads of other stuff I mean loads  :respect: :respect: tho I now I now were your coming from

We'll gee Mr. Holmes it only took you two pages to catch on to what I "respectfully" tried to tell you with my first post.

And yes I know from experience you can't keep it all, but one would think that a pair of nunchaku that were won at a competition might qualify. Quite honestly I have LOTS of things that belong to my grandfather that I have little actual use for. I took them because nobody else seemed interested in making sure they didn't get thrown away. I have those things out of "respect" for my grandfather.

But you do what you feel is right. Several people have stopped by to tell you essentially the same thing.
It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.


April 17, 2013, 01:22:31 AM
Reply #38


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The truth is out finally.

1) All your wisdom was gained from a computer chip implanted in your brain and not from actual years of experience. Or you just made it up.

2) You photoshopped those 1970's pictures.

3) You had Jamie Kennedy make you up to be an old guy just so you could fool us in your videos.

4) You are actually a 14 year old internet tough guy and if your mom catches you trolling the internet again after bed time you'll be grounded.

Did I miss anything?

My entire nunchaku collection is nothing more than brilliant CGI work.

It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.


April 17, 2013, 03:58:15 AM
Reply #39

Milwaukee John

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mearns33, if you wish to continue to post on this forum please refrain from threatening other members, even if it is with your "New York uncle".

April 17, 2013, 09:47:11 AM
Reply #40


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mearns33, if you wish to continue to post on this forum please refrain from threatening other members, even if it is with your "New York uncle".

no one has threatening no were did you get that from I quoted (he would love to meet) him to have a coffee to see what his issue is I don't need no one fighting my battles god gave me hands for that and I only use them in self deffence and were I was brought up you respect your elders as that's how we learn things my grand farthers 84 with a world of wisdom he deserves respect don't you think

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