Author Topic: U-Swivels  (Read 3701 times)

April 03, 2009, 10:11:26 AM
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  I just had a thought.  I read up on U-swivels a few days ago, since one or two of you refuse to use much of anything else. and it said that basically, the downfall of the design was that since the screw that attached it went with the grain of the wood, it was prone to failure during striking, and eventually even with usual wear and tear would eventually pull out anyway.  So I think, well, what if you used, instead of a screw, a carriage bolt or something with a larger diameter, say half an inch, just for theorhetical purposes, and you cross drilled a hole through that, and used a tension pin to secure it, cross-grain in the wood, so instead of the threads of the screw being the thing that held it together, it was instead just an eyelet to pass the pin through.  Of course, then you'd still need to fabricate the piece that connects the anchoring screw to the clevis, but in the end, you'd have a pair of u-swivels that were less prone to mechanical failure.  If I can afford the supplies, hopefully in the next month or so, I'll build a prototype to show you guys (and girls) what I'm saying, in case you can't follow my logic, but I think I may be onto something.  Even if that proves to be incorrect, I can still experiment with the proto-U's.  I've never owned a pair before.  Anyway, thoughts?

April 03, 2009, 11:31:43 AM
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thought no.1 : +K for u, great idea raven! :2thumbsup:
thought no.2 : i was thinking of using a 'ball bearing like' improvisation (maybe from my broken bb chuck), fastened to the sticks with tension pins and with the U-swivel attached somehow to it (welded maybe?)... :?

April 03, 2009, 07:04:26 PM
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The great folks over at Woodalls Custom Workshop have already fixed those problems. Ive spoken with people who have used both and from what I hear the Woodalls are much better then Dolans. I know Im buying some!

April 03, 2009, 10:55:22 PM
Reply #3


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I wonder if they will sell just the swivel.

I'd love to make some fire chucks with u swivels.

April 05, 2009, 10:37:57 PM
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I don't think so.  I think one of the custom shop people is actually on the forum, and they said the won't sell the swivel by itself.  What you could do though, which is what I was considering, is buy a couple pairs of these:

And then saw off the screws that anchor them in, and replace it with your own fastener on a different pair of sticks.  Given, it's not as high quality as the woodall swivels, but it's still a u swivel, and you could probably mod it without too much difficulty.

April 08, 2009, 12:15:26 AM
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Looks like if sold separately they would be simple enough to modify for fire chucks. Especial if there where different size diameter base ones. I know I would either want and inch and a little more to fit over my piping for my fire chucks, or a little less than an inch to fit inside. Either way I would wet myself with joy.

April 08, 2009, 01:11:31 AM
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I don't think so.  I think one of the custom shop people is actually on the forum, and they said the won't sell the swivel by itself.  What you could do though, which is what I was considering, is buy a couple pairs of these:

And then saw off the screws that anchor them in, and replace it with your own fastener on a different pair of sticks.  Given, it's not as high quality as the woodall swivels, but it's still a u swivel, and you could probably mod it without too much difficulty.

Ive thought about doing that too, but Ive come to find out that the Uswivels they use on those metal chucks are second class. Remember Woodalls is a custom wood shop, Im sure they are capable of modifying or making fiire chucks. You can give them your exact specs.

April 08, 2009, 03:41:52 AM
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Woodalls products look phenomanel. But all those extoic woods and pretty affects are lost on me.

I just want a pair of 14" octagonal, prefferably tapered u-swivels with 5 links. Made of some plain old wood. Something I could destroy like I would hotwheels when I was 6. Something I could take out side and not worry at all if I dropped them on the sidewalk, or if they got muddy or if I left them outside in the driveway.

Honestly, I just want the u-swivels. But if I have to order the wood part too, I want something that I wouldn't feel bad if I dinged or cracked(from extreme use of course) or feel the urge to run or cry when the police threaten to take them away.

Something awesome, something that I could love, but not so much I'm afraid to hurt it.

Price of course is an issue, but enough scraping and saving and I believe anyone can put together the change to afford a pair.

I want them, but with "dirty" wood. Not "pretty" wood.

April 08, 2009, 03:51:46 AM
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cry when the police threaten to take them away.

I would cry for every single pair of nunchaku, if they take them away.... even the homemades... After a while you get so use to them, that are like an extension of your arms  :roll: :lol:

But I get your point, I would feel very bad if I drop such a great art work!

April 08, 2009, 04:07:19 AM
Reply #9

Heru Pyrkagia

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  • hmmm...
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when i asked if colleen if i could get the u-swivels separately, she said no, but that i could talk to her about sending in the chux i was wanting them on and they could most likely do it.

April 08, 2009, 05:41:25 PM
Reply #10


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Here are some more specifics on the cheaper types of chucks with u-swivels

Nathan Zwygart:

Thank you for enquiring with us today about our products. We hope that we can answer all your questions today. If you still need additional answers please email us again or call us we will be happy to help you further. It is great to meet a fellow Freestyle Nunchaku Forum Member.  We appreciate your kind words about our items especially our new U-Swivel.  Here are the answers to your questions:

1. What I really want to know is if you have a "poor man's" pair of chucks. Something that is made of common wood and isn't necessarily "perfect".   Black Walnut, Hard Maple, Oak are our lowest cost Nunchaku and all are domestic hardwoods.  We do not offer woods such as Pine or Poplar since they are softer and very light.  They also tend to break very easily.  Your cost increases from the basic Octagon Tapered Nunchaku cost because it is $19.95 on each Nunchaku for the U-Swivel option and $4.00 each Nunchaku for the extra length of wood.  Octagon Non Tapered would also take $20.00 off the cost.  Hope this helps some.
 2. I just want the U-swivels. Plain nondescript 14" octagonal, preferably tapered chucks with 5 chained links and u-swivels. If there is a way to order a pair of such chucks please notify me and include a price table.  Here is a price quote for you on those woods.
I will list them according to hardest to softest beginning with the hardest.
(1) Hard Maple 14" Octagon Tapered 5 Link U-Swivel Nunchaku $83.90ea.
(1) Oak 14" Octagon Tapered 5 Link U-Swivel Nunchaku $81.90ea.
(1) Black Walnut 14" Octagon Tapered 5 Link U-Swivel Nunchaku $83.90ea.
According to weight it would be Oak as the heaviest wood then comes Hard Maple and then the lightest is Black Walnut.
Shipping & Handling for 1 Nucnhaku is $7.95 via USPS Priority Mail.  Any of the above Nunchaku will take on average of 2-4 weeks to make since the high demand of the U-Swivel has caused a surge in orders.
We have no plans of going any where soon as a business so when you are able and ready to order we will make the Nunchaku exactly as you need it to be.  If you have any further questions (such as where can I see the Oak or the Hard Maple on your can't you have to call and order it) please feel free to email us again.  Or call me by 4/08/09 before noon at the above phone number and I will help you personally.  I will be out of town for a couple of days but I will be answering emails and still processing orders from my travels.  Have a spectacular week and weekend Nathan.  Nice to meet you.

Bill & Colleen Woodall
Woodall's Custom Workshop

April 08, 2009, 05:51:42 PM
Reply #11


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So it looks like the cheapest you could get a pair of u-swivels would be to go with the OAK option. That's 82 bucks.

But, the 14" added an extra 4 bucks. I'm not sure for each or for both. Plus to taper costs 20 bucks.

So for plain oak octagonal u-swivels with 5 chain links would be a grand total of 60 bucks. (I just rounded up).

Since they don't just sell the u-swivels separate (costs 20 bucks for the u-swivels) I guess this would be the cheapest way, or as Heru mentioned send in a pair of nunchucks to have them u-swivel modified.

Hey Heru, did you ask how much the would charge to modify a 3rd party chucks for u-swivels?

I'm thinking of sending in the speks for those ninecircle 14" octagonal monsters and see what the costs would be to u-swivel them.(BTW, I love them to bits. When I mentioned poor man's chucks. I envisioned those ninecircles with u-swivels.)

April 08, 2009, 06:22:42 PM
Reply #12


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U-swivels are going to be expensive for a while since Woodall's is still covering their development cost. If you want a "poor man's nunchaku" that you can ding up, it might be better to go with a regular, old $10 set of chucks. U-swivels on cheap sticks would be like chrome rims on a Pinto. :lol:

April 09, 2009, 12:24:07 AM
Reply #13


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I always though of it as putting a new graphics card in a computer. Maybe the computer isn't really worth it, but still functions much better with it than without.

April 09, 2009, 01:15:45 AM
Reply #14


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Agreed. But if the graphics card is worth five times the cost of the computer...