So i would love to purchase a couple pairs of nunchuku but sadly part of my roof just caved in and i no longer have any spare cash (im SO tired of storm damage. i live in houston btw)
so now that my plan to purchase quality chucks has vanished for the next coming months, im going to be making some.
I know how to cord them, and i know theres a ton of material to use, but i want to find the best options possible with the least $$$ spent.
I've currently got a pair of homemades made from:
-20ish sheets of paper (per baton)
-Nylon rope (3/4' thick i think)
-Electrical tape
They work pretty well, durible and strong (youd be surprised what rolled up paper can do) but theyre a little thick and slow imo. they were great for my intial start but im ready to go to a better pair.
BTW, if anyones interested in trying them out, i can write a guide up and post pics to show how to make them. takes about 20 minutes and its interesting to have "paper chux"
anyways back to the point: waht i want:
-Speed: thats really all im looking to get in my next pair. this current pair seems to move very slow. Theyre my first pair so maybe im wrong but they just seem to move very very slowly compared to what ive seen in videos.
-Nylon: i wouldnt mind having chain as ive heard that speed is increased from it, but im very picky about looks on things and i hate the joints that connect the chain to the baton. If i could purchase quality ballbering ends i wouldnt mind since they look fine, but again, no cash as previously stated.
With that said, metal or wood is not an issue really, i DO prefer wood because it has the classic style feel of it, but im not opposed to a metal.
with that said, if anyones made a pair of chucks theyre very happy with plz list the materials used. i considered a broomstick but it seems like its too thin, again, could be wrong i guess. is there a standard width of chux?