Author Topic: Who Has The Best REAL Nunchaku...?  (Read 49179 times)

February 20, 2010, 02:13:05 AM
Reply #45


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"Really,  there is nothing wrong with dinky chuxs, where talking heavy duty here, Right?"

You're right, there's nothing wrong with any chucks. It's just style. But my point is, karatevideoguy made a post to recommend Prochux because the OP was looking for "real nunchaku". Karatevideoguy must have assumed that by "real nunchaku" he meant Okinawa style ones IE:good wood, octagon, good connection, able to be used for martial application.

Then you went on to lol about how Pros don't fit that category because they're too dinky for your massive garbage can lid hands. Well, most of us consider Prochux to fit the category of being allowed to be suggested as "real nunchaku". ...But since Pros are only useful as demo chucks and shouldn't be harmlessly suggested as a chuck to try out for martial application, we should obviously know by now and silly of us that we don't that only chucks with a 1-1/4" base and 5" cord can only be considered heavy duty.

February 20, 2010, 02:53:15 AM
Reply #46


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I’ll  leave it at this, Dolans made a bad swivel design in which may have cause some people to consider them a cheap nunchaku.   I think I remember seeing Matt-Chez bust a woodalls u-swivel design. Is that correct?  If so, just think about thaT.  However,  it doesn’t mean Woodalls is cheap, just means they are using a failed design from the get go.


"The biggest advantage that the U-Swivel hardware had over the typical ball bearing hardware (seen below) was durability and resistance to wear."

And anyone can break anything, I'm interested in who makes a better one in your opinion?
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February 20, 2010, 02:54:22 AM
Reply #47


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Matt breaks....everything.

February 20, 2010, 04:12:54 AM
Reply #48


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okay guys, time to chill this thread a bit.

Some general advice for everyone:
- Everyone can post their opinion in a respectful way
- Do not insult anyone or anything. Not because you don't like something, or someone, it is/ they are wrong.
- You can discuss what you want, but using facts. An argument lose all it value when you say it with insulting words.

Now, bringing some logic to this discussion:

- Real nunchaku would be a tool for farming (to collect rise, or for horses... different theories)
- In this community we believe that when you connect two sticks with something, keeping a bit the dimension, you have a nunchaku, so anyone who spin with that, is welcome to join, there is no need to use a certain type of nunchaku to be in.
- Woodall's Custom Workshop makes a nunchaku with an improve Dolan's U-swivel
- Lee Barden makes the prochux.
- The prochux is smaller that the regular nunchaku available in the market, but that doesn't give anyone the reason to insult the design. If you want to discuss about the prochux size, then do it with respect, or talking with his creator.
- You are here to post your own points of view, the credibility that you may have, will depend in how you have develop in this community. Every time there is a wise post, we will know by it the post and logic itself, not because someone said so.

And last of all, let's not have again the prochux vs traditional fight  :doh Please respect that there are different kinds of nunchakus for different kinds of people, and if you want to learn more about the first argument of prochux vs traditional, check this thread: , of course not to keep the argument, but to learn the pros and cons

February 20, 2010, 06:37:39 PM
Reply #49


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"The biggest advantage that the U-Swivel hardware had over the typical ball bearing hardware (seen below) was durability and resistance to wear."

And anyone can break anything, I'm interested in who makes a better one in your opinion?
"The biggest advantage that the U-Swivel hardware had over the typical ball bearing hardware (seen below) was durability and resistance to wear."

I can tell you that is untrue statement, the U-Swivel is an ancient swivel design put on a nunchaku, you can think of it as every time you swing the chucks, it’s like taking a claw hammer and pulling on the screw head. The more you use them the worse they get,  they would loosing up,  or the screw head would snap off.  Just like pulling nails out of wood.

I don’t remember what part broke off in MattChez vid, but I would bet it’s similar to the way they used to snap off.  After now looking at the new design, I don’t think the brass pin is going to help.

And if you read further down:
Having repaired many U-Swivel Nunchaku for customers we have noticed a design problem with the original U-Swivel Nunchaku (no disrespect intended) and here is the problem:

A two inch screw is tightened into the top of the Nunchaku to hold the U-Swivel cap on. Tightening of the main screw causes cracking which allows the screw to back out over time or worse, causes the wood to break when the Nunchaku is used in a strike.

So there you have it, exactly what I encountered 30 years ago, and the reason why some people use to call them cheap.

Who makes the BEST?  That would depend on who has the best resources, and doesn't mind building custom chuxs.
I think the best heavy duty nunchaku is with a chain and no swivels, in which makes an easy DIY.  Swivels are really unnecessary.

February 20, 2010, 07:16:53 PM
Reply #50


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"The biggest advantage that the U-Swivel hardware had over the typical ball bearing hardware (seen below) was durability and resistance to wear."

I can tell you that is untrue statement, the U-Swivel is an ancient swivel design put on a nunchaku, you can think of it as every time you swing the chucks, it’s like taking a claw hammer and pulling on the screw head. The more you use them the worse they get,  they would loosing up,  or the screw head would snap off.  Just like pulling nails out of wood.

I'm not sure a 1970s design qualifies as ancient.

I don’t remember what part broke off in MattChez vid, but I would bet it’s similar to the way they used to snap off.  After now looking at the new design, I don’t think the brass pin is going to help.

And if you read further down:
Having repaired many U-Swivel Nunchaku for customers we have noticed a design problem with the original U-Swivel Nunchaku (no disrespect intended) and here is the problem:

A two inch screw is tightened into the top of the Nunchaku to hold the U-Swivel cap on. Tightening of the main screw causes cracking which allows the screw to back out over time or worse, causes the wood to break when the Nunchaku is used in a strike.

So there you have it, exactly what I encountered 30 years ago, and the reason why some people use to call them cheap.

And yet, given what the alternatives were, they were still the strongest ones I encountered. I of course saw many people split sticks when trying to install Dolans swivels on homemade sticks when they didn't pre drill for the screw. But I've never seen any "from the factory" nunchaku split with regular usage and it took significant abuse (such as trying to break cinder blocks) to get a stick to split in this way.

And again if these were cheap, what were the good ones back then?
Who makes the BEST?  That would depend on who has the best resources, and doesn't mind building custom chuxs.
I think the best heavy duty nunchaku is with a chain and no swivels, in which makes an easy DIY.  Swivels are really unnecessary.

Well again, I was asking who made a better one in the Dolans days since the Dolans were in your opinion inferior. What made the best one then?
It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.


February 20, 2010, 07:41:51 PM
Reply #51


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"The biggest advantage that the U-Swivel hardware had over the typical ball bearing hardware (seen below) was durability and resistance to wear."

I can tell you that is untrue statement, the U-Swivel is an ancient swivel design put on a nunchaku, you can think of it as every time you swing the chucks, it’s like taking a claw hammer and pulling on the screw head. The more you use them the worse they get,  they would loosing up,  or the screw head would snap off.  Just like pulling nails out of wood.

I don’t remember what part broke off in MattChez vid, but I would bet it’s similar to the way they used to snap off.  After now looking at the new design, I don’t think the brass pin is going to help.

And if you read further down:
Having repaired many U-Swivel Nunchaku for customers we have noticed a design problem with the original U-Swivel Nunchaku (no disrespect intended) and here is the problem:

A two inch screw is tightened into the top of the Nunchaku to hold the U-Swivel cap on. Tightening of the main screw causes cracking which allows the screw to back out over time or worse, causes the wood to break when the Nunchaku is used in a strike.

So there you have it, exactly what I encountered 30 years ago, and the reason why some people use to call them cheap.

Who makes the BEST?  That would depend on who has the best resources, and doesn't mind building custom chuxs.
I think the best heavy duty nunchaku is with a chain and no swivels, in which makes an easy DIY.  Swivels are really unnecessary.

I really think, you need to think about what you are posting. You are welcome to your opinion, yes, but so are we. I'm around 6 foot, and have hands like a mamoth, and that look like they should be on one with the coniditioning i do to them, and prochucks are still fine for me. I think you have just insulted what 25-50% of the forum use and love, and you wonder why people are annoyed? Lets think of it this way for a second. Imagen you have worked for years, and have now built up a good business, how would you feel if someone came on insulting your designs. If you are talking about the veiw of the martial art community, youre looking at it son, and i love pros (allbeit i have only tried home made ones sofar, im sure the real things are much better). I think you will find that MASTER Lee Barde is not called master for no reason. He is a master in Martial arts. If you are such an expert why did you not accept a challange from Notherchucker?

If you want to get on here son, you better buck your ideas up because this isn't a baby sitting center, this is where experts from around the world discuss freestyle nunchaku issues, and noone has time or patience for someone walking in here and disrespecting our members.
67steph67[4:26:05 AM]: we are all as some little god ><

February 20, 2010, 10:30:37 PM
Reply #52


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I'm not sure a 1970s design qualifies as ancient.
The design predates the 70’s,  the clevis swivel has been around a long, long time… the only difference is it was put on the nunchaku.  It is ancient, hell I have an old brass pulley that uses the clevis swivel, I think that thing goes back to the 1800’s.
And again if these were cheap, what were the good ones back then?
Back then I enjoyed the bb over the u-swivel.
My main pair where 12” octagon tapered oak with string, they where ordered from BlackBelt mag, but not from the big suppliers at the time.

I really think, you need to think about what you are posting. You are welcome to your opinion, yes, but so are we. I'm around 6 foot, and have hands like a mamoth, and that look like they should be on one with the coniditioning i do to them, and prochucks are still fine for me. I think you have just insulted what 25-50% of the forum use and love, and you wonder why people are annoyed? Lets think of it this way for a second. Imagen you have worked for years, and have now built up a good business, how would you feel if someone came on insulting your designs. If you are talking about the veiw of the martial art community, youre looking at it son, and i love pros (allbeit i have only tried home made ones sofar, im sure the real things are much better). I think you will find that MASTER Lee Barde is not called master for no reason. He is a master in Martial arts. If you are such an expert why did you not accept a challange from Notherchucker?

If you want to get on here son, you better buck your ideas up because this isn't a baby sitting center, this is where experts from around the world discuss freestyle nunchaku issues, and noone has time or patience for someone walking in here and disrespecting our members.
I’m not sure what to make of your post, more chest thumping?  I’m not insulting anyone.
What did I say that was so bad about prochuxs?

February 20, 2010, 10:44:27 PM
Reply #53


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What did you say? You're just generally being nasty and insulting. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything in the first place. Offer constructive information, not going on talking about how bad something is. It doesn't take much knowledge, insight, or will to help, to talk about how bad things are. Instead you could have been offering suggestions that don't insult the equipment the regulars here use.

February 20, 2010, 11:01:12 PM
Reply #54


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What did you say? You're just generally being nasty and insulting. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything in the first place. Offer constructive information, not going on talking about how bad something is. It doesn't take much knowledge, insight, or will to help, to talk about how bad things are. Instead you could have been offering suggestions that don't insult the equipment the regulars here use.

If you think I’m being nasty and insulting, fine…  I’ll just leave it to you guys so you can create your own history.  If you was to read back this thread, you are the ones that are being insulting and nasty. I did didn’t even want to take it this far anyway. I just had one small opinion, and it seems to offend YOU!!!

Good luck,  good bye….

February 20, 2010, 11:02:10 PM
Reply #55


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The design predates the 70’s,  the clevis swivel has been around a long, long time… the only difference is it was put on the nunchaku.  It is ancient, hell I have an old brass pulley that uses the clevis swivel, I think that thing goes back to the 1800’s.

I'm just going by the patent date. You know the Ferrari is ancient as hell as it is based on the Ford Model A and before that the horse and buggy right?


Back then I enjoyed the bb over the u-swivel. My main pair where 12” octagon tapered oak with string, they where ordered from BlackBelt mag, but not from the big suppliers at the time.

Who made a BB swivel that was stronger than the Dolans U swivel? I'd like to know as most BB connections I used soon spit BBs after a few hours of weapon on weapon training. Who made these indestructible BB connections in the 80s? Speedchucks from AWMA were the strongest ones I was aware of, and while decent they didn't hold up as well.

And those 12” octagon tapered oak with string were superior to a 12" octagon corded pair from Dolans how?

Or is your point now that cord connections are superior to swivel chain connections regardless of manufacture? I ask because that would be a new point of discussion and not one I entirely disagree with.
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February 20, 2010, 11:04:23 PM
Reply #56


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What did you say? You're just generally being nasty and insulting. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything in the first place. Offer constructive information, not going on talking about how bad something is. It doesn't take much knowledge, insight, or will to help, to talk about how bad things are. Instead you could have been offering suggestions that don't insult the equipment the regulars here use.

Well I hope that wasn't directed to include me.

I was never insulting or nasty, and the times where I was condescending it was in reply to the same.
It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.


February 20, 2010, 11:08:42 PM
Reply #57


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I’m not sure what to make of your post, more chest thumping?  I’m not insulting anyone.
What did I say that was so bad about prochuxs?

And youre saying youre not insulting anyone? I was not chest thumping as you put it, i was airing my opinion, which after experience on this forum, im pretty sure is matched by most. If you are trying to pick a fight with someone here, be my guest, if you want it to be me fine, but you will find yourself banned if you ever insult me again, or any other member for that matter, because it isn't tolerated here. If you think its a threat, it isn't its a promise, people have been banned before, for exactly the same reason

ps SteyrAUG, if you wish to talk to more than one member, and want it seperated, instead of posting twice, or "double posting" as it is called, put it in one post, and seperate the chat topic with [h*r], without the * in it (i had to put that there so it wouldnt put a horizontal rule on the page.
67steph67[4:26:05 AM]: we are all as some little god ><

February 21, 2010, 12:11:32 AM
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ps SteyrAUG, if you wish to talk to more than one member, and want it seperated, instead of posting twice, or "double posting" as it is called, put it in one post, and seperate the chat topic with [h*r], without the * in it (i had to put that there so it wouldnt put a horizontal rule on the page.

Sorry, I need to brush up on my Forum Fu.

It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.


February 21, 2010, 01:17:46 AM
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And youre saying youre not insulting anyone? I was not chest thumping as you put it, i was airing my opinion, which after experience on this forum, im pretty sure is matched by most. If you are trying to pick a fight with someone here, be my guest, if you want it to be me fine, but you will find yourself banned if you ever insult me again, or any other member for that matter, because it isn't tolerated here. If you think its a threat, it isn't its a promise, people have been banned before, for exactly the same reason

I don’t know where you are get this stuff lol?
Look at your comments-
I'm around 6 foot, and have hands like a mamoth = chest thumping
If you are such an expert why did you not accept a challange from Notherchucker?  = chest thumping + when did I say I was an expert?  Maybe I’m a professional lol….
pick a fight with someone here, be my guest?  Your inviting me to fight?

What members have I disrespected?
You seem to think I’m insulting, but I am not in any way doing that.

Who made a BB swivel that was stronger than the Dolans U swivel? I'd like to know as most BB connections I used soon spit BBs after a few hours of weapon on weapon training. Who made these indestructible BB connections in the 80s? Speedchucks from AWMA were the strongest ones I was aware of, and while decent they didn't hold up as well.

There was no magic nunchaku back then, and obviously it’s a matter of debate bb vs u-swivel.  Dolans also made BB with u-swivels, in which case could be triple the trouble, as they could spit BBs and snap the swivel or wood.

And those 12” octagon tapered oak with string were superior to a 12" octagon corded pair from Dolans how?

Or is your point now that cord connections are superior to swivel chain connections regardless of manufacture? I ask because that would be a new point of discussion and not one I entirely disagree with.

Cord connections are superior to swivel chain, but the ones I had where just medi core. My point in posting in this thread was you should get something like Dolans, but superior in design.  I just thought Woodalls was best for that, as prochuxs don’t make them with chains.  If  you really wanted heavy duty go with chains without the swivel and string design.  Nowadays we can customize them, that wasn’t so much of the case 30 years ago. Today’s chuxs are way better.

Ok Berserkergang I appologize, if I am rude and nasty, believe me I don’t know how I come off in a text based world,  maybe I am and I just don’t realize it.  Maybe I am a mean old fart, I dunno lol. Maybe I should NOT post online if my opinions seem to extreme to you guys...

Or maybe you guys should respect an outside opinion.