Author Topic: Who Has The Best REAL Nunchaku...?  (Read 49176 times)

February 17, 2010, 07:29:52 AM
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Ok, my 25+ year old Dolan's Sports nunchaku supply is getting short. The real nice ones are pretty much ready to go behind glass and stay there. Not exactly something I want to be spinning around out on the driveway, I shudder to think of how many high quality nunchaku I've destroyed or lost in thirty plus years of training.

I'm looking for something similar, strong wood and mostly interested in tapered octagon "matched by weight" sticks 14" connected by cord or a quality chain setup. Not interested in short 12" sticks or cheap ball bearings that fly apart upon first contact with a Bo. Please don't tell me about any "lightweight" demo only quality stuff, not interested at all.

Woodalls obviously has some very nice stuff but $40 to $50 isn't exactly the price range I want to resupply at, especially given that Dolan's used to sell similar stuff in the $5-$15 range, even with inflation that would be $12-$35.00 respectively. I'll eventually get one pair of Woodalls, but they might also end up behind glass.

It seems a couple years ago, unbeknown to me, a company called Sakura offered exactly what I'm looking for with a extreme hardwood traditional nunchaku for $25 but that item is now discontinued.

Shureido of course makes an acceptable basic nunchaku but they are also a tad pricey and very, very basic. Suffice to say I have a couple so I have all I need from them. Not exactly something I want to stock up a dozen or so pairs with.

So who has a heavy duty, hard use nunchaku at a reasonable price?
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February 17, 2010, 07:44:15 AM
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Lol I have a set of homemade 14" hardwood octos but theyre sentimental(and their almost 40 years old and beautiful balance :P )

I would talk to DancesWithSticks, he has some really nice hardwood chucks just cant remember the site he uses or how much they cost :/ (Or hell he may have some for sale) I think the site is like crainmountain(crane?) not 100% on that.  Other than that id say homemade or Woodalls.  I made some homemade U-swivels, but of course I didnt have the money or tools create some pro looking ones, but they work just the same and not to hard to make if you want.  Once I can find more work I will build some really nice ones and make a tut.

February 17, 2010, 08:10:00 AM
Reply #2

Heru Pyrkagia

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i am of the mind that if its not woodalls or prochux, home made is the way to go for wooden nunchaku. for glow, flowchux.

February 17, 2010, 08:20:09 AM
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The nunchaku from Sakura martial arts? The Jatoba (brazilian cherry) ones with the straight octagon corded. I had those, and I broke them on a tree, but they were awesome! I agree, too bad they don't produce them anymore.

Let me tell you this though: There are bad BBs and there are good BBs that can withstand anything you throw at them. Century Martial Arts uses a certain type of BBs on most their chucks, I've had these and I've tried EVERYTHING to break them but I can't. I've wrapped the chain around a poll and clinched it to pop the BBs right out but i couldn't... I've hung on a tree branch with them, still couldn't do it. Now these chucks are broken, but the BBs are still intact!

If you're interested I'll link you to a site which sells octagon oak 14" with the good bearings for under $10.

February 17, 2010, 08:35:04 AM
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The nunchaku from Sakura martial arts? The Jatoba (brazilian cherry) ones with the straight octagon corded. I had those, and I broke them on a tree, but they were awesome! I agree, too bad they don't produce them anymore.

Let me tell you this though: There are bad BBs and there are good BBs that can withstand anything you throw at them. Century Martial Arts uses a certain type of BBs on most their chucks, I've had these and I've tried EVERYTHING to break them but I can't. I've wrapped the chain around a poll and clinched it to pop the BBs right out but i couldn't... I've hung on a tree branch with them, still couldn't do it. Now these chucks are broken, but the BBs are still intact!

If you're interested I'll link you to a site which sells octagon oak 14" with the good bearings for under $10.
Sounds like they are cheap enough to fck around with and test out Steyr(I love my Steyr btw lol), and if ya do it wont kill ya to buy a whole bunch. 

I hope you find the chaku you are looking for ;)

February 17, 2010, 07:33:03 PM
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The nunchaku from Sakura martial arts? The Jatoba (brazilian cherry) ones with the straight octagon corded. I had those, and I broke them on a tree, but they were awesome! I agree, too bad they don't produce them anymore.

Let me tell you this though: There are bad BBs and there are good BBs that can withstand anything you throw at them. Century Martial Arts uses a certain type of BBs on most their chucks, I've had these and I've tried EVERYTHING to break them but I can't. I've wrapped the chain around a poll and clinched it to pop the BBs right out but i couldn't... I've hung on a tree branch with them, still couldn't do it. Now these chucks are broken, but the BBs are still intact!

If you're interested I'll link you to a site which sells octagon oak 14" with the good bearings for under $10.

I'm not opposed to BBs so long as they are good quality. I have some old speedchucks that have held for 20+ years. My problem with a lot of Century nunchaku is they are only available in 12" and they don't match the sticks by weight.
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February 17, 2010, 07:41:01 PM
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Heru Pyrkagia

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I'm not opposed to BBs so long as they are good quality. I have some old speedchucks that have held for 20+ years. My problem with a lot of Century nunchaku is they are only available in 12" and they don't match the sticks by weight.

which is why i recommend homemade. very few people will pay attention to quality than you when it comes to your personal nunchaku. kinda like that old saying, "if you want it done right, you gotta do it yourself". i do recommend woodalls and prochux though, because they do pay attention to every detail there is when making nunchaku. and it shows. nine circles is not a bad choice for cost and quality. 

February 17, 2010, 08:08:18 PM
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I've been very tempted invest in a few pairs of these.However,i will never buy without seeing and feeling first.
So it's looks like i've may soon pay the warehouse a vist.
Has anyone had any deallings with this company.

February 18, 2010, 05:37:29 AM
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Sakura jatoba nunchaku are still being sold for a good price here:

14" for $25. I have these and they are tough. But they are not tapered.

I also have some from century martial arts. I can vouch for the bearings. If you just look at them closely, you'll see they're built better than the average ball bearing. Their wood selection is not as good, though. My white waxwood pair cost less than $20, I believe.

Then, you can also try nine circles. They have white oak 14" nunchaku with a nice taper. I have them and they are pretty heavy. These are a bit more expensive at about $30 to $40 including shipping from UK (I'm in Miami, Fl).

Finally, you can go to They have rare woods at better prices than woodall's though the overall quality is not as good. I bought 14" tapered (3/4" to 1") lignum vitae nunchaku at about $40. But if you select a less rare wood, you may be able to find what you want for $30.

Unfortunately, you won't find any quality nunchaku for $5-$15. The only nunchaku that will last you more than one day at about that price are Chinese stainless steel nunchaku. You can find those here: The bad news about the Chinese nunchaku is the huge shipping cost. I bought some (not from nunchakumall) that cost $25 (including $5 to get my name etched into one rod) but the shipping was $40.

Hope this helps.
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February 18, 2010, 05:55:49 AM
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which is why i recommend homemade. very few people will pay attention to quality than you when it comes to your personal nunchaku. kinda like that old saying, "if you want it done right, you gotta do it yourself". i do recommend woodalls and prochux though, because they do pay attention to every detail there is when making nunchaku. and it shows. nine circles is not a bad choice for cost and quality. 

I just don't have the tools to produce a tapered octagon, much less do the drilling necessary.

Got a link for Prochux and Nine Circles?
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February 18, 2010, 05:58:05 AM
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Sakura jatoba nunchaku are still being sold for a good price here:

14" for $25. I have these and they are tough. But they are not tapered.

Actually no they are not. As noted on the link they are discontinued. I tried to order several pairs based upon that specific webpage just this week.
It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.


February 18, 2010, 06:01:08 AM
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I just don't have the tools to produce a tapered octagon, much less do the drilling necessary.

Got a link for Prochux and Nine Circles?
Prochux link at bottom fo page, and heres   but its not working for me atm, idk why.

February 18, 2010, 06:10:42 AM
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Actually no they are not. As noted on the link they are discontinued. I tried to order several pairs based upon that specific webpage just this week.

Oh, that's messed up. Here's nine circles:
''Actually, with those dirty movies, I find like, they're good for about fifteen, twenty minutes. I'm really interested. And, then, uh, there's one point, that all of a sudden I'm bored. You know? I-... I just lose interest completely and I feel deeply ashamed.''

-Comedian Norm MacDonald

February 18, 2010, 12:25:36 PM
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You can always ask ernie.(youtube user erniebubolab) He's a man in the know :thumb:

February 18, 2010, 11:00:42 PM
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Prochux link at bottom fo page, and heres   but its not working for me atm, idk why.

Thanks. Does anyone have the specifications for Prochux Thrasher line? Stick lengths, Diameter, Tapered? Can they be ordered with 5" cord? The website doesn't seem to have this information. If they are available in 14" with 5" cord they might be promising.
It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.
